Psalm 149:3-4
Let them praise His Name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with the tambourine and lyre.
The Blood of Christ has always deeply moved us, the three of us dance with these pieces of organza fabric in the colors red and white. The red being the shedding of the Blood, the white being the hallelujah! I am set free! I am healed! The band had set up a crown in the middle as well. We boldly thank our King Jesus for His brutal display of the Most Holy Love anyone has ever lavished.
All the angels cry out, Holy is the Lord God, all the earth replies, Holy are You! Liza and I grabbed the white & fire flags to represent the holiness of God. He is pure
Here the band was singing on the topic of the river of God, how this river surpasses all understanding of joy. This dance signified how it is over our heads! It makes no sense to us in the natural. This is a supernatural joy.
2 Samuel 6:20-22 ‘Oh yes, I’ll dance to GOD’s glory—more recklessly even than this. And as far as I’m concerned, I’ll gladly look like a fool’
Shot in Colorado with dear friends. This is a visual for the Burning flags I sell online.
To demonstrate and visualize the lyrics in All Hail King Jesus – ‘let every knee come bow before the King of kings, let every tongue confess that He is Lord, lift up your shout, let us join with all of Heaven.’ Jon & Liza run up front, taking their turn, to put visuals by bowing + lifting up a crown (Jon), and lifting up a shout + jumping (Liza)
2 Chronicles 20:22
As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
Dance is mentioned all throughout the Word. Dance was used in two main ways, in celebration to the Lord, or during war. To lift up a banner of the Lord, signifying He reigns forever. To move our bodies in unity towards surrender and praise to the Only King.
The Lord in 2 Chronicles 20 commands Israel to send the worshippers in front of their army to defeat and scatter the opposers.
I believe through worshipping the Only King, we release the sound and movement of heaven to defeat the enemy. Worship is our warfare! He has already won the battle.
Lastly, as an army holds up a banner to identify itself as it rallied into battle position, so the people of Israel held up the Lord, and His promises, and His Word, as their banner of identity. & on this day, where the Lord gave them His identity & imparted a Name of His, “Nissi”, the LORD once again demonstrated that He rules and leads His people to victory.
Dance is an extravagant form of worship but is integral to the Body of Christ. Many of us have a misconception of dance/ flags, believe it to be a distraction, or unnecessary. But, just as some people are audial learners (those who learn through teachings, singing, spoken words) & some are tactile learners (those who learn through physical actions of doing ministry, hands on activities like sports, journaling/ writing, building, working out.) Although there is another group of people who are visual learners. This learning group benefits from, dance, photo/ video, painting, etc.
Dance puts visuals to words, describing what words can’t.
Dancing, singing, painting, playing an instrument, teaching, evangelizing, sports, hospitality, + so many more are gifts the Lord graciously gives to help build the kingdom of God. He is everywhere & we can find Him in the mundane/ forgotten/ misunderstood.
Psalm 149:3-4 (AMP)
Let them praise His Name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with the tambourine and lyre.
Jeremiah 50:2 (NIV)
“Announce and proclaim among the nations, lift up a banner and proclaim it; keep nothing back
Jeremiah 31:13 (NIV)
Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Exodus 17:15-16 (NIV)
Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner.