our favorite

art forms.

Remaining inspired through God, His precious Son, and catching the Wind of His Spirit


Plucking dirt of the earth, then applying pressure & heat, to create a beautiful, functional, & routine piece of serving our lives. 

Photo + Video

Poetry told though a lens. Weddings, Family, Seniors, + Engagements.

Design Work

Websites, Logos, Graphics

Worship Flags

Bringing color, cutting the air with movement & dance. For church services, prayer rooms, worship nights, backyards, living rooms, secret places.

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Photo &

Caden & Sofia Lead Designers

What is -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is -----------------------------

Breath &


This wording is found in Genesis 2. When God created Man and Woman. He created man (Adam) from dust and His breath. The Lord knew man couldn’t be alone. So He then took from Adam, one of his ribs and created Woman (Eve).

The Lord created all things, and we get the chance to give back to Him what He so graciously gave me. He gave us breath in our lungs and this Earth to relish on, but the immense gift He gave is Jesus. The Person that we devote all our life, talents, and treasures to.

Genesis 2, verse 7. ‘Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.’

Genesis 2, verse 21-22. ‘So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.

The Lord created all things, and I get the chance to give back to Him what He so graciously gave us. He gave us breath in our lungs and this Earth to relish on, but the immense gift He gave is Jesus. The Person that we devote all our life, talents, and treasures to.

A spoken word: by Sofia

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