This is my creative space, where I express + showcase my services and art forms. Photo + video, ceramics, painting, graphic + digital design, & sewing. Thank you for being here.
my services ●
● my specialties
What I offer ●
In each of these you'll find the services I offer, all under the branding + title of Breath & Bone. Click each one to be redirected.
This alliteration is derived from the Bible in Genesis 2. When God created man and woman. He created man (Adam) from dust and His breath.
The Lord knew man couldn’t be
alone. So He then took from Adam,
one of his ribs (bone) and created Woman (Eve).
The Lord created all things & we get the chance to give back to Him what He so graciously gave us.
He gave us breath in our
lungs and this Earth to relish
on, but the immense gift He
gave is Jesus. The Man that I devote all my life, talent, and treasure to.